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  • Writer's pictureDasaratha Rama

Enjoying the Creative Coding Bootcamp

Ananth is attending a coding bootcamp with HashHackCode (HHC). Thanks to Mr. Manu Sekar and team for this wonderful experience!

Ananth has been learning coding with HHC since 2020. He is now in an apprenticsehip program. The bootcamp is designed for beginners. I was not sure whether it would be beneficial for Ananth. Manu suggested that since he is involved in the application development process, it might be beneficial for him to attend the camp. I am glad Ananth decided to participate in the Bootcamp as it gives him a perspective of the user experience. Understanding the user experience through immersion works better for him as explaining the details verbally is not his preferred mode of learning.

Ananth wrote a brief summary of his experience. He will develop this further for his own blog.


Creative Coding Experience Summary

By Ananth Raghunandan

The Creative Coding Bootcamp learning process includes three components

·  Lesson

In the first lesson, there are more than 60 steps. It gives step wise instructions. We are given step by step instructions to write the code. The instructions are very simple and clear.

·  Practice

In the practice problems, I start by copying the code from the lesson. Then, I look at the design and change the code for the practice problem.

·   Project

Projects are done in an online session with a mentor. The project was done in a group session.  He gave instructions and followed up with each student and helped them as needed.


 When Ananth started learning coding, he was overwhelmed by small tasks. Keeping track of files and folders, switching between multiple windows, and copying and pasting information took effort and got in the way of coding. Since he started doing his apprenticeship, I have seen a significant improvement in doing these small tasks and keep on track with the lesson or project. Yesterday, he did the group session independently. This is an indicator of progress since it shows that he can track the tasks and the communication in the group setting and do the lessons.


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