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  • Writer's pictureDasaratha Rama

Inclusion Begins at Home


We are excited to share our first e-book in the LIFESMART Parenting e-book series Creating Experiences Together . The first few e-books will be on Rethinking Inclusion .   The first book is titled Inclusion Begins at Home . You can view the e-book here.

When we hear the word inclusion, we usually think of schools and other organizations including our child. In my experience, being mindful of opportunities to include your child in varied experiences at home and in the community sets the stage for any other kind of inclusion efforts. We have had our shares of challenges but thanks to Relationship Development Intervention (RDI), homeschooling, and Enki (inspired by Waldorf and other educational approaches), one thing I did well as a parent was including Ananth in varied experiences. In this e-book, I have shared how simple steps taken when Ananth was young have evolved in interesting ways over the last twenty years.

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