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Using the Blog

This blog has evolved from over five years of daily sharing and conversations in the LIFESMART Parenting communities. 


The LIFESMART Parenting blog launched this week features a variety of posts on different topics. I share many experiences, approaches, techniques, and resources that I have discovered over more than 20 years.


It is not possible to use all the information immediately. Hence, I am exploring ways to make it easier for parents to locate and revisit posts over time. Hence, I have created a visual roadmap. See image below that shows this week's posts. You can access the Miro board with the visual map here.


I can also add notes and suggestions to each week's posts. For example, this week I have suggested RCR (Regulation, Challenge, Reorganization) as the technique to try and marked the post that describes this technique. RCR is a very useful technique that I used regularly. I find it useful even today in analyzing and designing learning experiences.


















Blog posts can be accessed in order of publication and by categories.


Our Journey

While I have learned from our experiences and from many approaches over the years, one challenge that I faced was deciding on an order of presentation.  I learned and used tips, techniques, and approaches as I discovered them.  Sometimes, we were fortunate and discovered approaches early.  For example, we discovered Relationship Development Intervention (RDI) when Ananth was in kindergarten.  However, there are other areas such as techniques for developing interoceptive awareness and stress management that we discovered recently


E-book Series Launch

Recently, we launched the LIFESMART Parenting e-book series Creating Experiences Together. The launch of the e-books marks an important point in our journey.   We can now structure the blog and other resources in a way that there are clear pathways for exploring the content. The first book is titled Inclusion Begins at Home . You can view the e-book here.


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