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  • Writer's pictureDasaratha Rama

100 Days of Storytelling with Hand Gestures

Start Date: May 25, 2024

I am using the bhramara (bee hasta) with my grandson daily.

In fact, I requested Ananth to do this hasta because I wanted to use it to expand on my bee story narration with my grandson. Ishaan loved the bee hasta (he is 2.5 years old and very curious). He wanted to make the bee hasta so I showed him day before yesterday. I tell him bedtime stories daily.


Yesterday, he started making the bee hasta himself. He also tells himself not to bend the ring finger and little finger! I am combining hand gestures and emotions. If you see the video, Ananth has shown a happy bee from animal song. So I did the bee gesture and did a sad bee. Then, I did an angry bee (when the girl's stone hit the bee hive. Ishaan wanted crying bee.

The integration of hastas and facial expressions enhances enjoyment from storytelling! I have decided to memorize some because then I have the hasta ready to use in the moment. I memorized the bhramara hasta sloka and movements.


Lesson Ideas

  1. Do the animal song.

2. Narrate the bee story.

3. Try the Bhramara hasta. Explore the use of the hasta in storytelling.

Share your experience with us!


Start your own 100-Day project!


  1. Discover the doable. Ask

What is doable and worth doing now?

2. Follow the 1 -10 - 100 rule

Commit to 1 activity for at least 10 minutes daily for 100 days.

3. Integrate the activity into the daily routine.

Do the activity at a specific time and location. Create a predictable and structured experience as the base for improvisation and exploration.

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