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  • Writer's pictureDasaratha Rama

Teaching Whole Body Communication through Theater

Dance and theater teach us how to use the whole body in communication. Communication is more than speech. Body language is an important component of communication. While many parents are aware of the need for including movement, it is also important to consider the nature of movement activities in your child's daily routine. While Ananth had movement activities such as daily walks, Activities of Daily Living (ADL), and play, he has been learning the use of the body for communication in a systematic way since he started learning Bharatanatyam over 10 years ago. In our experience, one of the key benefits of Indian dance and theater is that development of movement capacities is linked explicitly to the development of emotional expression and whole body communication.

Theater Arts for Holistic Development (TAHD) developed by Dr. Ambika Kameshwar, Founder and Director of RASA (Ramana Sunritya Aalaya) provides opportunities for every learner to explore whole body communication through theater. Any parent can use dance and theater-based activities to teach concepts and skills in an enjoyable way. Music, dance, storytelling, drama, and arts and crafts are familiar to parents. Parents often use these tools with their children. TAHD provides a structured framework for the use of such familiar tools to address specific learning outcomes and to support holistic development of every individual.


  1. Watch the story video.

A simple example by Dr. Ambika Kameshwar, Founder and Director of RASA (Ramana Sunritya Aalaya) where music, body movements, and storytelling are combined. There are many simple ways to start using body movements and hand gestures in storytelling. The story is in Tamil but with English subtitles. A familiar story so you can understand even if you don't know Tamil.

2. Watch this short video about RASA

3. Watch this short video about Ananth's experience

Getting Started

Parents can use familiar children's songs and stories to get started. They can also explore classes with RASA including online classes.


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