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  • Writer's pictureDasaratha Rama

Life is Theater, Theater is Life

Updated: May 17

Seven Day Challenge 1

This post suggests activities and techniques that parents can use while implementing any activity with their child.

It also includes links to Ananth's posts in his blog, Natya Imprints published by Ramana Sunritya Aalaya (RASA). Dr. Ambika Kameshwar Founder and Director of RASA, had suggested exploring the theme of Life is Theater. It has been enjoyable and useful for Ananth to write this series. It has also resulted in exploring this way of thinking about life more explicitly resulting in this article.


Seven Day Challenge 1

The activities for the seven days are given below:

  1. Choose an Activity of Daily Living. Assign roles.

  2. Explore RCR (Regulation, Challenge, Reorganization).

  3. Explore different forms of communication.

  4. How can clear roles and RCR reduce parent and child stress?

  5. How can clear roles and RCR facilitate guided participation?

  6. How can clear roles and RCR facilitate independent learning?

  7. How can RCR and roles support the four LIFE goals: 1) L: Learning daily, 2) I: Nurturing Interests, 3) F: Family interactions, and 4)  E: Engagement with community.


Additional explanation and resources for the daily activities are given below. Activity 1 a. Read Ananth's post Life is Theater, Theater is Life here. In this post, Ananth presents a scene analysis for two Activities of Daily Living (ADL) b. Choose an activity of daily living to do with your child.

c. Decide on a role for yourself and your child.

d. Do it together.

e. Share your experience!

Activity 2

a. Read the post on Regulation, Challenge, Reorganization here.

b. Refine the design of activity 1 by following RCR.

c. Choose an activity with a simple regulatory pattern. Examples

Pick up clothes from a basket one at a time and hanging them up,

Putting away groceries.

Then, do steps b to e in Activity 1 above.

RCR is a technique that we learned in RDI. Assigning a clear and simple role to the child is also recommended by RDI consultants. Based on conversations with parents, the technique of assigning roles seems to be emphasized more in recent years. Assigning roles is a natural part of theater. When we use the perspective of Life is Theater, we are automatically mindful of assigning the right roles to people!

Activity 3

a. Read about Ananth's analysis of his airport experience in terms of the four forms of abhinaya here. The form forms of abhinaya are:

Angika (Body Language)

Vacika (Speech)

Aharya (Attire and Props)

Satvika (Emotional expression)

b. Analyze the four forms of communication needed for the roles in the activity chosen in Activity 1 and 2.

Activity 4

a. Read the article Listening to Ramanasramam Tamil Parayana: A Calming TAHD Experience here. This was the first article that Ananth wrote using scenario analysis. Dr. Ambika Kameshwar, developer of Theater Arts for Holistic Development (TAHD) suggested writing about his experience using a scene analysis template.

b. How can clear roles and RCR reduce parent (guide) and child stress and foster calm interactions?

Activity 5

a. Read Ananth's explanation of role analysis in this article on playing with his nephews. Read the article here.

b. How can clear roles and RCR facilitate guided participation?

Activity 6

a. Read Ananth's description of watching a performance here. In previous articles, he described his role. In this article, Ananth describes the role of all family members involved in the scenario. As a parent remarked, this scenario analysis helps the reader see how inclusion is happening within the family. Inclusion begins at home is a core theme for LIFESMART Parenting!

b. How can can clear roles and RCR facilitate independent learning?

Activity 7

How can RCR and roles support the four LIFE goals:

1) L: Learning daily,

2) I: Nurturing Interests,

3) F: Family interactions, and

4)  E: Engagement with community.


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